Age: 2010Max.Size: 40 x 28 inch (101 x 71 cm)Colors: 6Impress.Count: No counter
Extras: Autoplate - Digital Controls - Touch-screen Control - Coater - Autosize - Dryer - CIP
Description:KOMORI LS640-CX Hybrid UVInstalled New in 201080 Mio. Imp.PQC Console for ink and registerPDC-SII for closed-loop spectral color controlKHS – Komori HyperSpeed inking – CIP3 for ink key profilesKMS – Komori Monitoring SystemAutomatic Plate ChangingAMR – Automated Make-Ready – Paper size and thickness presetsAutomatic Washer H-UV: 1x End of pressInk Temperature ControlPlate benderCompressorIncludes all books and toolsMachine is in very good conditionPlease contact with us for more details.
Located: America North
Available: Immediately
Price: On Request
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